How to Stay Focused During Online Learning?

The biggest setback of online learning is that students cannot keep their focus straight during online lectures. However; while counting this setback, we often tend to forget that it is not the flaw of the medium but the weakness of the student. A student has to find ways to maintain his focus just like he found a way to cope with extensive academic projects in the form of assignment help services from professionals.

If you are also enrolled in one of those online programs and are struggling to maintain your focus then work on yourself and you will definitely see improvement.  The following post is here to assist by presenting some extremely effective tips to stay attentive during online learning. 

Tips To Stay Focused During Online Learning

Can you do my assignment is the most heard plea of students followed by their request to help them maintain their focus during online classes. We are here with the solution for the latter one in the form of the following online learning tips UK. Everyone struggles with distractibility at some point  (Kopchick, 2020,) and if the reason is not ADHD then some simple yet effective techniques as below can be of great help. 

  • Ensure Stable Connection:

You need to make sure that your internet connection is perfect so that your online class won’t be disrupted. A slight disconnection can break the whole rhythm of your lecture. Repeated drops in connectivity demotivate the student and obviously impact his understanding as well.  So; check your WI-Fi speed before the start of an online class. You can also use a mobile hotspot if your WI-Fi speed is low. Ensure to keep your software and other devices updated.

  • Use Headphones:

Using headphones can also help you stay focused during study or online classes. This is because headphones reduce background noise while making the lecture sound clearer. Good quality headphones allow listening clearly to an online session or lecture because they improve the quality of sound. Make sure to pick the ones that are comfortable and light in weight as heavy ones can sometimes get on your nerves. 

  • Remind Yourself Of Your Goals:

When you have your goals set, you put more of an effort into achieving them. So; set for yourself some short-term as well as long-term goals that will keep you motivated. Student online classes can sometimes be too boring to stay focused but reminding yourself of your goals can help you to stay attentive. 

Write down your goals and attach them like sticky notes on your desk to remind you about them constantly. Sometimes, your morale boosts when you look at how much you have progressed toward achieving those objectives.

  • Keep A Water Bottle With You:

You don’t wanna leave your study space once your online class has started so keep your water bottle beside you as you never know when your body is gonna feel a need to drink. Besides; it is always better to keep yourself hydrated as it enhances your focus and keeps you refreshed. 

Make sure you have a water bottle at your desk so you don’t get up to get one. Hydration prevents drowsiness, hence; improving your learning efficiency. 

  • Create A Proper Study Space:

Setting a proper study space for yourself might not seem that important but it does play a role in keeping you focused. Make your study space completely free of clutter and well-lit for enhanced focus. 

An organized study area tells your brain that it needs to focus. Comfortable seating also helps in making the student stay attentive towards his online lectures. 

  • Maintain Healthy Eating And Sleeping Routine:

No matter how much you try to stay focused during an online class, if you have not had a good night’s sleep; then it is not going to be of any help. Good sleep and good food can activate your body like no other. 

A well-balanced diet and sleep make a student more productive. Moreover; caffeine also offers a temporary energy boost (, 2023,). Just eat light before sitting for long hours of study so that the mind does not get drowsy. At least 7-8 hours of rest enhance the cognitive ability and ability to retain memory.

  • Take Notes:

Making notes during online classes not only keeps you focused but also proves to be quite helpful for later reference or revision purposes. 

You can use a digital tool or a traditional notebook, depending on what best suits you. The bottom line is that making summaries strengthens the learning curve and enhances your chances of memory retention.

  • Form A Schedule:

Create a planned time management which assists students in getting adjusted. Ensure dedicated time for classes, assignments, and breaks.  In this way; you won’t be thinking about other activities when you know that there is time for that as well.

Just don’t forget to use digital planners or set alarms so you won’t forget to be punctual. However; we are not telling you to become a robot rather it is like setting a routine of your preference to bring stability for enhanced focus. 

  • Minimise Distractions:

Social media is the biggest source of distraction during study hours. Avoid unnecessary websites by using apps that block particular websites. Advise family members to help keep you away from distractions during study times.

  • Practice Focus Improvement Exercises:

Practice deep breathing, meditation, or the Pomodor technique to improve your focus fame during online classes or in general as well. It will strengthen your concentration and attention. The better you train in these activities, the longer you will be able to concentrate on the specific lectures or whatever the topic under discussion is. 


Staying focused in an online class might be difficult but it is not impossible, especially when you have so many effective techniques to stay attentive during online lectures, you cannot complain. All you have to do is to set up a stable connection, with a suitable study area, and a completely distraction-free environment. Besides that; a few simple tips like using headphones, keeping your water bottle with you and working on your brain-focusing exercises can also be of great help.  


Kopchick, E. (2020, March 25th). Kopchick: How students with ADHD – and those without – can stay focused for distance learning. Gale Academic Onefile. (2023, Dec 2nd). 20 Tips to Stay Awake and Focused in Class.

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